Vote for sexual violence prevention.
Vote for the Penn State Forward Three

Voting begins on April 10th and ends on May 4th at 9 AM.
Don't waste your chance to create long-term, positive change at Penn State. Request your ballot to vote for the Penn State Forward Three—Ali Krieger '07, Uma Moriarity '14, and Melinda Kuritzky '06—today.
If you have any problems, please contact us at team@psuforward.org.
Voting Instructions
Before you vote, please sign up with our team to help us track voting.
On April 10th, you will receive the following email:
Subject line: PSU Alumni Trustee Election Ballot
From: "PSU Board of Trustees" (psuelections@eballot.com)
You need the personalized link in this email in order to nominate. Check your spam, junk, and your secondary inboxes (like Gmail's "Promotions" tab) if you don't see it. If you have not received an email, request one here.
Once you access the online voting portal, vote for the Penn State Forward candidates:
#2 Melinda Kuritzky '06
#3 Alexandra Krieger ’07
#7 Uma Moriarity '14
**Make sure you vote for all three.
Once you complete the candidates' information, confirm their information, check the participation box, and hit submit.
Now, tell all of your friends to vote too, using resources from our digital amplification toolkit.